Lehman Bros., Merrill Lynch employees anxious about future
Workers at the two major investment banks are mired in uncertainty after the weekend's shake-ups.By Geraldine Baum
NEW YORK -- A mixture of shock, anxiety and grim resignation settled over tens of thousands of investment bankers, brokers and other Wall Street employees Monday as they absorbed the news that two of the nation's major investment banks were vanishing in the turmoil roiling the financial system.
Just hours before the start of the workweek, Lehman Bros. Holdings Inc. said it was filing for bankruptcy protection and Merrill Lynch & Co. announced it had hastily agreed to sell itself to Bank of America Corp. The developments were dizzying to many, even in an industry accustomed to roller coaster shifts. Although reports of Lehman's potential collapse had begun to surface last week, Merrill Lynch's unexpected sale left its staff stunned.
"It's chaos here," said a broker at Merrill, who did not want his name used because the company had instructed employees not to speak to the media. "People are just flabbergasted."
Outside Lehman's Midtown headquarters on Seventh Avenue, stone-faced employees exiting the glass tower during their lunch hour were confronted by a phalanx of television cameras occupying both sides of the street. Most hurried past without speaking, some snarling when approached.
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