First of all, wow. I am overwhelmed by the response to my first blog entry. I think I read the first 402 comments. A lot of them were crazy. A thousand comments in the first day? That makes me happy. I've been telling people, "Man I got a blog on ESPN," and they go, "Yeah, boy, but you're latest song is crazy!" and I'm like, "I know, but did you see my blog?" I am so excited to have this opportunity. You don't understand. I got ESPN tattooed on my arm. I've had it for at least three months now, so that should show you how seriously I'm gonna take this. I know some people out there don't think it's really me, but you have to prove a lot of things when you're an entertainer, so I'm used to it.
I got a lot of phone calls about the blog from people I know, too. Everybody I talked to liked it, and even people I didn't expect are looking at it. For example, I did a GQ interview the day after it came out, and the reporter was like, "By the way, I love the blog." And I thought, "Wow, ok. People are seeing this."
My brother Ocho Cinco gave me a personal message to put in the blog, and that's that "he wants to win," end quote. My man Chris Paul called mad 'cause I didn't say nothing about him. He was kinda upset.
First off, my heart goes out to Richard Collier on the Jaguars and the kicker from Tampa Bay, Matt Bryant, who lost his baby. He went out and played, too, on Sunday. That, to me, is the definition of amazing.
Now on to Brett Favre. He must know God's phone number, 'cause he is superhuman. Like, Brett Farve? Come on. He's like 3900 years old and he threw for six touchdowns? He's never even done that in his whole career. And he does it with the Jets when no one is expecting nothing from him. There's a reason why he's my favorite player of all-time. He's getting better with time, as scary as that sounds. It's a great thing to watch. He still takes those shots. He still takes those risks. And those receivers were amazing, and the line, man, the offensive line was unexplainable.
As a Packers fan, it actually doesn't bother me to see Favre go off like that, 'cause it's an AFC team that he plays for. It's kind of like a double positive for me. I'm glad when the Packers do well, and I'm extra glad when Brett Favre does well. The only way the Packers and Jets will meet is if it's the Super Bowl, and that would just be a wonderful dream come true. If that happened, I wouldn't be rooting for anybody. I'd just sit back and enjoy a great football game. But that's too far down the line, and I'm not tryin' to jinx it.
I liked the majority of what I saw in the Packers game Sunday. I know this kid Aaron Rodgers is a fighter, and I really hope he comes back for the next game, because it really wouldn't look good to go out after four games after backing up someone who's never missed a game.
It's a tricky thing. They say shoulder, and when they say that, that means he could be seriously injured. It's like me telling you, "I'm sick," but not telling you what's sick about me. I'm skeptical about it because when you say something like he has a sprained shoulder, come on, who sprains their shoulder? I've never sprained my shoulder. And when I sprain my ankle or my wrist, it takes a few weeks for me to feel better. I'm not an athlete, but that's just how it goes. You have to watch that, when they start talking about your shoulder. It starts out with the back-up taking more and more snaps in practice this week, and then the next thing you know, you've got a new QB in there on Sunday. So, I'm a little nervous. A little skeptical.
I'm gonna watch the baseball games today at my house. On Sundays, I pretty much don't leave my house until after all the games are over, and then I go into the studio. I have five TVs in my house and we have like 85 TVs in the studio, and all of them will be on different sports. We have just the scoreboard, and I have the ticker and all the packages and all that. I always have people over watching the football games, because we're all in fantasy leagues. I have a wonderful chef and he cooks whatever I like. During the games it's usually steak and lobster. I'm a steak and lobster dude. My friends don't get their choice of food, they just gotta eat whatever I was feeling that day.
I won my fantasy football match-up this week, by the way. I slayed 'em 79-43. I'm 3-1 now. They still don't know it's me, even though I use my real name, Dwayne Carter, on there. Even if there's a guy who knows who I am, he's probably looking at that and going, yeah, whatever. I still feel like it was a good call to drop Roethlisberger. This week I started Campbell from the Redskins, and that was great.
People were also asking in the blog comments why don't I like the Saints? I do like the Saints, but I'm not a Saints fan first, and that's only because that shows my true love for sports. I'm not just gonna choose a favorite team just 'cause that's my city. The only reason why I'm a Saints fan is because that's my city, but I'm a true Packers fan.
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