**Before you start reading, I can't argue with Weezy...Manny Ramirez is the best in the game right now. He can hit ANYTHING. I am still hoping for a Dodgers/Red Sox World Series. Enough about me, here's what you really want to read...**
I'm gonna catch the Tampa game tonight—in person. I couldn't make it last week, so I'm going to my first major league game tonight. Can you believe it? My first baseball game, and it's the Rays in the playoffs. It's gonna be amazing. I plan to be blown away.
For those of you who are asking, I do read the comments on this blog, and I'd like to give a shout out to nikeman1313 and doublej488 for the support and the respect and for being interested in what I have to say. I just have one request:
Call me the Zen Master from now on.
Let's start with the Dodgers. Man-Ram. He is just, come on. I mean, come on. I love the Dodgers. I was surprised that they swept the Cubs, but I wasn't surprised that they won. Even though they lost yesterday, I'm still going with the Dodgers to beat the Phillies. I don't think Philly is a better team than the Dodgers, and you just can't ignore the fact that the Dodgers have the best player in the league right now, who probably ends up being post-season MVP. You just cannot stop Man-Ram.
I also like Russell Martin. I'm a fan of his 'cause he's an aggressive dude, and a great player. He plays his part, he doesn't try to step outta his role and try to be anything else. That's all you can ask for in a guy, especially a catcher.
A lot of people wanted to know what I would think about the Rays playing the Red Sox, 'cause the Sox are my team, but I said the Rays will win it all. Well here's what I think.
I still love the Red Sox, but I think the Rays are gonna ride it all the way. After the Rays win, it gets real interesting. My heart, the fan in me, goes with the Dodgers, 'cause of Man-Ram, 'cause I love that dude so much. That's just my opinion as a fan.
Like I said in the last blog, I'm a big emotion guy. I think that team is riding on a streak of hope, and that's something that you can't practice. You can't teach that. When you're riding on emotion like that, even when you lose a game, that motivation that you're riding on fuels the fire. So you're coming into that next game like we cannot lose again, ever. I've been in situations like that in things other than sports, so I know that when you're riding on emotion like that, the only thing that can take you down is if you all of a sudden become unemotional. I don't see any of those guys on that team doing that.
But if it does end up being the Red Sox against Manny, I think the Sox would win that one. As much as I love the Dodgers, there's only a few things that hold that team together and make it a great team, but the Red Sox are an all-around great team. They are the champions.
People are like, how can you root for Manny when he left your team? Well, as a Red Sox fan, it is weird seeing Manny on the Dodgers, but when you love Manny like I do, of course you root for him. I would imagine if you put him on any good team, he would make that team great, and that's just another thing to love about him. But the thing that makes it really weird is that the Red Sox and the Dodgers are two of the four teams left. If it was just the Dodgers, I probably wouldn't feel that way.
Manny did some things that I wouldn't do. The way he left Boston wasn't too cool. No, it wasn't at all. And to do it right before the stretch? Come on. Those things right there are some of the reasons why I don't believe the Dodgers will win the World Series. Manny is Manny. He didn't do those things three years ago—he did them a couple months ago. That's the same guy. So whatever it is that triggered him to do that then, you don't know if it could pop up now or any time soon.
If I was on the Dodgers, it would be easy for me to understand that this guy wants to win, but it would be difficult for me to stand there and believe that this guy is dedicated to the team. I believe he's dedicated to winning, and that's a good and a bad thing.
We've already established that people are comfortable with the idea of "Manny being Manny." So if I'm him, and I know that the world already understands me for doing whatever I want to do, then I'm going to do whatever I want to do. If I go out and pull something ridiculous, all you're going to say at the end of the day is Manny is being Manny. Once you put that against Tampa Bay's emotion and drive, I would pick them over the Dodgers.
To read the rest of the article where Wayne touches on the NFL, NBA and NHL, click here...
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