Ok, that cake leaves a lot to be desired, but 70,000 hits...WOW. That's really all I can say. To anyone who has ever visited this site, referred anyone to this site, hell, even if you hated on this site...I SAY THANK YOU!!! Words can't even really express how grateful I am for the love this site is receiving. I know Grade A isn't on the level of a Hear It First or a 2DopeBoyz, but damn, if we aren't one of the most up and coming sites for music (and news), then color me stupid. I'm trying to get 100,000 hits by the end of the year, and I'm confident we can make that happen. Yea, I know I sound like I'm on my Barack Obama sh*t right now with all this "we" talk, but that's really what it is. If I didn't have people coming to the site, I wouldn't keep doing this. Be on the look out for CollegeRadioMusic.com, that's another site I am writing for. Don't worry, nothing is going to happen to Grade A except we are going to keep getting expanding the brand. Hopefully, soon, I can incorporate a radio station so when you come here, your favorite songs (and exclusives) will be playing.
But on to the BIG NEWS (well at least it is to me). By now, I'm sure most of you are in tune with Charles Hamilton, Demevolist and The Hamiltonization Process. Charles has been releasing mixtape after mixtape for the past couple of months and his buzz is growing expotentially. He just released The L Word earlier today. Soon, Charles Hamilton & Demevolist will be releasing a tape with Grade A & College Radio entitled, F.I.N.A.L.S. It's an acronym for F*ck, I Never Actually Learned Sh*t. As much as I would love to take credit for that name, I have to give that to a couple of people I went to high school with...damn, have I really been out of high school for almost 5 years?
Anyway, yeah, be on the lookout for that exclusive. Who would have thought when Grade A was first launched on August 7, 2008, that within three months we would be doing a tape with one of the top underground artists in the game? Blessed...that's all I can say.
I'm out though...gotta be back to work at 5 and I'm trying to catch a nap before then. Keep grindin' and keep struggling...cause at least you know you haven't quit. Those are my words of wisdom for the day.
--J. Tinsley
P.S. R.I.P. Julian King and to Jennifer Hudson's mother and brother. Damn shame...
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