There was once a time when the Clinton family could do no wrong in the eyes of black America. Bill cheated around on her, denied it on national TV, got caught up in his lie and she still took him back...and we still stuck beside her (for the most part). When people found out a few years back that she was interested in running for president, most people supported it. But when she started trying to ruin Obama's campaign...that is when things got tricky. Her feeble attempts at trying to discredit Obama actually hurt her worse in the long run and made her counterpart quite possibly the most popular man in the world right now (although Michael Phelps is in his rearview).
A good friend of mine, who is one of the youngest junior executives in the nation, just put me on to some news that, well, just rubbed me the wrong way. Word on the political circuit is that Hillary is attempting to persuade the superdelegates to change their votes from Obama to her. I knew politics was a dirty game, but this is beyond belief. HILLARY, DO US ALL A FAVOR AND GIVE UP!!!
Now let's just say she manages to do this and she receives the nomination, can you imagine the backlash that would surface because of this? She is playing with fire...and you know what they say about that...
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